
Hughes Dental Group at Leo

Leo Invisalign


About Invisalign

Welcome to Hughes Dental Group Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, your premier choice for Invisalign in Leo, IN. Our practice is led by Dr. Ryan Mao, a highly experienced and qualified dentist. Our office is dedicated to providing comprehensive dental care in a comfortable and friendly environment. With our state-of-the-art technology and personalized service, we strive to make sure our patients have a pleasant experience. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Ryan Mao, please call 260-627-5345.

Key Takeaways

Invisalign is a revolutionary orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth without the need for traditional metal brackets and wires.

Invisalign is a great solution for straightening teeth without the need for traditional metal braces, as it uses smooth, comfortable plastic that won’t irritate gums or cheeks.

The Invisalign treatment process begins with a consultation to determine if the patient is a good candidate for Invisalign, then takes impressions of the teeth to create custom aligners.

Aftercare instructions for Invisalign include brushing and flossing before putting the aligners back in, storing the aligners in the provided case when not in use, and brushing the aligners with a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste.

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How Invisalign Works

At Hughes Dental Group Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer Invisalign treatments for our patients. Invisalign is a revolutionary orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth without the need for traditional metal brackets and wires.

The Invisalign process begins with a consultation with our dentist, Dr. Ryan Mao. During this appointment, Dr. Mao will assess your teeth and determine if Invisalign is right for you. If Invisalign is suitable, Dr. Mao will take impressions of your teeth and send them to a lab to be used to create your custom aligners.

Once your custom aligners are ready, you will be instructed to wear them for 20 to 22 hours per day. The aligners should be removed when you eat, brush, or floss your teeth. Every two weeks, you will switch to a new set of aligners, which will gently move your teeth into the desired position. After the treatment is complete, you will be able to enjoy a beautiful, straight smile.

Benefits of Invisalign

Are you looking for an effective way to straighten your teeth without the need for traditional metal braces? Invisalign is a great solution. This revolutionary orthodontic treatment uses a series of custom-made, removable aligners to gradually move your teeth into the desired position. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible and can be removed for eating, brushing, and flossing.

Dr. Ryan Mao can help you achieve your desired smile with Invisalign. The aligners are made of smooth, comfortable plastic that won’t irritate your gums or cheeks like metal brackets and wires can. Invisalign also requires fewer office visits than traditional braces, allowing you to save time and money. Plus, you’ll be able to see your potential new smile before you begin treatment. With Invisalign, you can achieve a beautiful, straight smile without the hassle of traditional braces.

Treatment Process

At Hughes Dental Group Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Ryan Mao offers Invisalign treatment to help patients achieve straight teeth without the need for traditional braces. The Invisalign treatment process begins with a consultation to determine if the patient is a good candidate for Invisalign. During this consultation, Dr. Mao will take a 3D scan of the patient’s teeth and create a treatment plan that is tailored to the patient’s needs.

Once the treatment plan is determined, the patient will receive their custom-made Invisalign aligners. The patient will wear the aligners for two weeks at a time, and then switch to the next set of aligners in the series. Each aligner helps to move the teeth closer to the desired position. The patient will also need to visit Dr. Mao for check-ups every four to six weeks to make sure the treatment is progressing as planned. After the treatment is completed, the patient will be fitted with a retainer to help maintain their new smile.

Aftercare Instructions

It is important to properly care for your Invisalign aligners. To ensure optimal results, brush and floss your teeth before putting your aligners back in. Rinse your aligners with cold water before putting them back in and avoid using hot water as it can cause the aligners to warp. Be sure to brush your aligners with a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste to remove plaque and food particles. You should also store your aligners in the provided case when not in use, and clean the case regularly.

At Hughes Dental Group Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Ryan Mao offers Invisalign treatment for patients seeking a discreet and comfortable orthodontic option. Invisalign uses a series of clear, removable aligners to gradually straighten teeth over the course of treatment. This system is virtually invisible and allows patients to maintain their normal lifestyle without the hassle of traditional braces. Dr. Mao will provide personalized instructions for care and maintenance of your Invisalign aligners, ensuring the best possible results.

Patient Success Stories

At Hughes Dental Group Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Ryan Mao is proud to offer Invisalign treatments to help patients achieve the smiles of their dreams. Through Invisalign, many patients have seen drastic improvements to their smiles. Straight teeth can lead to improved self-confidence and better oral health.

Patients have been thrilled with the results of their Invisalign treatments. Many have reported that it was a much faster and more comfortable process than traditional braces. With Invisalign, patients don’t have to worry about the metal brackets and wires of traditional braces, and they can still enjoy all of their favorite foods.

If you’re in need of other dental related services, contact your Leo dentist today! Leo dentist.

Book Your Appointment Today!

At Hughes Dental Group Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, we provide Invisalign services to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. Call us today at 260-627-5345 to schedule an appointment or visit our Contact Us page for more information. Read reviews about our practice on Google Maps.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses a series of custom-made, clear aligners to gradually straighten teeth.

How long does Invisalign take?

The average Invisalign treatment takes 9-15 months, but the exact duration depends on the severity of the condition being treated.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign offers a virtually invisible solution to orthodontic treatment, as well as greater comfort and convenience compared to traditional braces.

Are there any restrictions with Invisalign?

Yes, Invisalign is not suitable for everyone, and certain restrictions may apply depending on the patient’s individual case.

How much does Invisalign cost?

The cost of Invisalign depends on the patient’s individual case and treatment plan. Generally, it is more expensive than traditional braces.